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Donate today and help us to continue inspiring academic achievement through the power and passion of soccer.
11 -Project GOAL 2019 Program Highlights
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Up to 100 students have the opportunity to join our program during the academic year receiving 90 minutes of academic enrichment and support and earning an additional 90 minutes of soccer training as a reward for their hard work and focus in the classroom twice a week from September to June. An additional 40 students receive these same benefits for a two-week Summer program as we help them prepare for grade level matriculation. All students attend the program 100% free of cost regardless of their socioeconomic status and without exclusion.

Student sponsorship levels:

Sponsor a student for 1 year $2,000

Sponsor a student’s academic enrichment for 1 year $750

Sponsor a student’s soccer training for 1 year $600

Sponsor a student’s transportation for 1 year $350

Sponsor a student’s uniforms and supplies for 1 year $150

Sponsor a student’s snacks and drinks for 1 year $85

Become a contributor or volunteer!

Become an active part of our community!  For other sponsorships, partnering opportunities or to be a program volunteer contact us at 401-258-2300 or email

Employee Charitable Contributions

Make a direct donation through your company or state employee's charitable contribution campaign or use the button below.

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